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FFA hosts Chili Feed

The Logan FFA Chapter hosted the annual Greenhand Chili Feed/Labor Auction on November 23, 2021.  President Camille Gottschalk and the following officers Abigail Graham (Vice President), Rylee Delimont (Secretary), Kylor Hogan (Treasurer), Cydnee Rider (Reporter), Hayden Gottstine (Sentinel) and Jersey Voss (Historian) started off the evening with opening ceremonies.  For dinner the FFA Chapter served the chili and cinnamon rolls they helped make on Saturday.  After dinner the chapter and guests welcomed the Greenhands, Cameron Morgan, Kaden Graham, Rhett Kats, and Ryan Prewo into the Logan FFA Chapter.  The Greenhands were presented with their Bronze FFA Greenhand Pins. Once inducted to the Logan FFA Chapter, the labor auction started off strong.  The auction started with the officers, then worked its way down through the chapter members by grade.  Thanks so much to everyone who supported the Logan FFA Chapter Labor Auction!

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