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Logan USD 326


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National FFA Week

The Logan FFA Chapter has 17 members this year.  The members have attended several CDE’s (Career Development Events) in the Fall of 2016 and plan on attending more in 2017.  Nine freshmen traveled to Hays to attend the FFA Green hand Conference this year.  They learned leadership and knowledge about FFA while there.  The FFA members traveled to Bird City and participated in the Dairy Judging, Food Science, and Milk Quality and Production CDE’s in October.  On November 29, they traveled to Stockton where they participated in the Vet Science CDE.

The Logan FFA Chapter held a Chili Feed/Labor Auction in November.  This is one of our main fundraisers that the members really enjoy participating in.   They made chili and cinnamon rolls and invited members of the community to a labor auction where they auctioned off 144 hours of labor.  They have also sold River Star fruit, meat, and desserts, and are planning a Community Breakfast during FFA week on February 18.

Some of the community service projects that the members have been involved with this year include serving the Christmas dinner at the Manor in Logan.   They helped with Kansas Day at Logan by teaching the kids about soil erosion and talking about the dust bowl of the 30’s, and this year, they had a wheel for the kids that tested their knowledge of Kansas facts.   

On Jan. 7-9, eight members and the advisor as well as one other sponsor traveled throughout Kansas and Nebraska on an Ag Tour.  The first day they traveled to Alma, KS where they tasted different cheeses as well as learned the process of making cheese at Alma Creamery.  They traveled back to Manhattan where they stayed the night.  The next day they went to the Kaw Valley Greenhouse and toured the many greenhouses and their process of seeding and planting for the many different locations they sell to in the spring. 

They then traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska for their next tour, where they went to Geneseek and viewed different labs.  The FFA members got to see a detailed process of how they do DNA sequencing and testing of animals for people all over the world.  Next, they traveled to Clay Center, Nebraska for a tour of the United States Meat and Animal Research Center.  They toured the labs at the center and then were driven around and toured the cattle, sheep, and swine facilities.  This center does many crucial tests to help farmers and universities to better feed and care for their animals.   They returned home with more knowledge of Agriculture and the careers that are available for them. 

The Logan FFA Chapter has a lot of fun and exciting things planned for FFA week this year.  They are continuing their Community Breakfast Feb. 18 that will consist of a Breakfast burrito bar and Pancakes.  They will also have a Recruitment Day where they explain FFA to the sixth through eighth graders, a K-4th coloring contest, an Ag Olympics contest, as well as Flannel Thursday is planned for the week.  

They plan to do more community events and attend the Poultry, Livestock, Entomology, and Horticulture/Agronomy CDE’s this spring, as well as the District Banquet, local chapter banquet, State Contest and State Convention. 

Thank you to everyone who help and support our FFA Chapter we appreciate it greatly.

Janet Gottstine, Logan FFA Ag Advisor

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