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Logan USD 326


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FFA Greenhands compete at conference

The FFA Greenhands attended the Greenhand Conference in Hays on November 10.  The Greenhand Conference is open to all freshmen or first year FFA members.  Two members from each chapter are allowed to recite the FFA creed, but all Greenhands take a test with questions about FFA and its history.   The two FFA members who recited the creed this year for the Logan FFA Chapter were Madison Gottstine and Camryn Greving.  Camryn Greving was awarded the NW District Creed Speaker for 2016.  She will go on to State Convention in May where she will compete with students around the State.  
The Logan FFA members attending the Greenhand Conference this year included:  Toni Jenner, Madison Gottstine, Camryn Greving, Gage DeBoer, Nate Cruz, Cody Brown, Hunter Hogan and Jed Peace.

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