FFA members honored at banquet
The Logan FFA Chapter held its annual banquet on Tuesday, April 25 in the school cafeteria.
The FFA members thanked many individuals and businesses for their help throughout the year then recapped their activities and CDE placings for the many contests they attended.
The following students earned Proficiency Awards for the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE):
Chase Archer - Small Animal Production and Care Entrepreneurship
Ryann Kats - Technology Proficiency-School Based
Bessie Gaines - Poultry Entrepreneurship
Melissa Leiker - Gardening and Landscaping-School Based
Matthew Kirkendall - Screen Printing-School Based
Madison Gottstine - Meat Goat Entrepreneurship
Toni Jenner - Food Science Entrepreneurship
Nate Cruz - Screen Printing and Garden Proficiency-School Based
Hunter Hogan - Technology Proficiency-School Based
Gage DeBoer - Construction Placement
Jed Peace - Natural Resource Placement
Cody Brown - Natural Resource Placement
Camryn Greving - Classroom Proficiency Award-School Based
Advisor Janet Gottstine was honored to award the first Chapter Degree recipients for the Logan Chapter to: Chase Archer, Bessie Gaines, Ryann Kats, Melissa Leiker and Mollie Sammons. Seniors Chase Archer and Darrian Elliott-Lammers were honored as scholarship recipients and thanked for their years of service to the organization. After they retired their jackets, the new officers were installed for 2017-18 including President-Ryann Kats, Vice President-Mollie Sammons, Secretary-Melissa Leiker, Treasurer-Toni Jenner, Reporter-Bessie Gaines and Sentinel-Madison Gottstine.