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Logan USD 326


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Livestock Judging Team on to State

The Logan FFA Livestock judging team has participated in two livestock judging contests this year.  On March 22 they traveled to Smith Center to participate in the Smith Center FFA Alumni Livestock Judging Contest.  At this contest the team consisted of Regan Kats, Ryann Kats, Kinzie Alexander, Josh Van Laeys and Miranda Shellito.  The team placed 1st at the Smith Center contest.  Individual results were as follows: Regan Kats-2nd place; Josh Van Laeys- 4th place; Kinzie Alexander- 6th place; and Ryann Kats-18th.​​ 
On April 20th the Logan FFA livestock judging team traveled to Russell to compete at the FFA District Livestock contest.  They judged 8 classes of animals and gave three sets of reasons.  The team which consisted of Regan Kats, Ryann Kats, Kinzie Alexander, Josh Van Laeys and Miranda Shellito placed 1st as a team at District Contest.  Individual results were, Josh Van Laeys-3rd place; Ryann Kats- 4th place; Regan Kats-5th place; Kinzie Alexander 9th place; and Miranda Shellito improved her personal reasons score with a  total score of 107. 
The team of Ryann Kats, Regan Kats, Kinzie Alexander, and Josh Van Laeys will travel to Manhattan to compete at the State FFA contest which will be held in May.

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