On Thursday, November 12, 2015, Fort Hays State University held its 37th annual Math Relays. There were over 660 students from class 1A-6A schools that competed in this exciting event. There are six 20-minute tests that the students take during the day. They include Using Number Sense, Trigonometry, Algebraic manipulations, Informal Geometry and Measurement, Applications of Algebra & Arithmetic, and Calculations with Calculators. The students can take these tests as teams of three or individually. If taken as individuals, they often compete against 60 to 80 other individuals in their grade level.
This year, fourteen students competed at the math relays. They were Sophomores Tiffany Horn, Ryann Kats, Riana Mays, Shaydin Speth, and Lane Stapleton; Juniors Crystal Bliss, Alyssa DeBoer, Leamarie Edwards, Faith Hofaker, Kayla Hofaker, and Josh VanLaeys; Seniors Kinzie Alexander, Christen Greving, and Regan Kats.
The students worked hard and competed well this year! Here are some of the results: Our 10th grade team consisting of Tiffany Horn, Ryann Kats, and Riana Mays, tied for 4th place in “Using Number Sense” out of 24 teams. The same 10th grade team placed 9th out of 25 teams in “Algebraic Manipulations”. Junior Josh VanLaeys placed 9th in “Geometry” out of 85 individuals. Our 11th grade team, consisting of Leamarie Edwards, Faith Hofaker, and Kayla Hofaker, also placed 9th in “Geometry” out of 19 teams. Another 11th grade team, consisting of Leamarie Edwards, Faith Hofaker, and Josh VanLaeys, placed 4th out of 21 teams in “Applications of Algebra”. Finally, Senior Regan Kats placed 4th out of 70 individuals in “Geometry”! Many of those not mentioned above placed in the upper fiftieth percentile of their competitors in each event, which is very good. Our students are competing against individuals and teams from 1A through 6A schools and doing exceptionally well!
Overall, our school tied for 8th place with Osborne out of twenty 1A schools attending the relays. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place went to St. John’s Catholic, Rock Hills, and Pretty Prairie this year. All of our students who competed represented Logan well. They are to be commended on their performance and their behavior. Congratulations to this year’s FHSU Math Relays competitors from Logan High School! You make us very proud!!