Geometry Syllabus
General Information:
Hour: 5th hour (12:19-1:14)
Room: 106
Instructor: Mr. Hofaker
Required Text: Geometry by Jurgensen &Brown
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Course Description:
Geometry emphasizes and integrates logical reasoning and spatial visualization skills. The learning of precise definitions, postulates, theorems and corollaries will allow the student to complete step-by-step deductive proofs which will in turn develop his/her logical reasoning skills. Students will learn basic geometric properties which are commonly encountered in various real-world applications. Finally students will learn not only how to compute the area and volume of 2 and 3-dimensional geometric figures but also how to draw and construct them as would an architect or engineer.
Course Objectives:
- To describe, name, identify and relate points, planes, segments, rays and angles and their symbols.
- Organize a conclusion with logical reasoning by using conditional statements.
- To construct a well-organized proof.
- Apply congruence properties and properties of proportions to prove figures congruent and similar.
- Demonstrate the use of inequalities in triangles and indirect proofs.
- Recognize and apply concepts related to parallel lines.
- Apply the properties of quadrilaterals.
- Illustrate the use of the Pythagorean Theorem, geometric mean, trigonometry and other rules to find missing parts of triangles.
- Integrate properties of segments, arcs, and angles as related to circles.
- Compute the area of polygons and circles.
- Compute the area and volume of geometric solids.
Method of Instruction:
This course will be taught using classroom lectures, chalkboard work, question and answer discussions, and some group work or projects.
Method of Evaluation:
The grading scale used in this class will be as follows:
A+=98-100% B+=86-89% C+=77-79% D+=67-69% F=0-59%
A =94-97% B =83-85% C =73-76% D =63-66%
A- =90-93% B- =80-82% C- =70-72% D- =60-62%
A student’s grade is determined by the following:
50% of the grade is chapter tests, cumulative finals, and quarterly/semester projects.
40% of the grade is daily assignments.
10% of the grade is pop quizzes and/or chapter projects.
***Daily assignments not turned in on time will be worth ½ credit.
***Daily assignments turned in “incomplete” will be graded as if they were complete. (Additionally, students may be required to finish or “re-do” the assignment outside of class in the presence of the instructor.)