Algebra II/College Algebra Syllabus
General Information:
Hour: 4th hour (10:54-11:49)
Room: 106
Instructor: Mr. Hofaker
Required Text: College Alebra (8th ed.) by Sullivan
Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry
Course Description:
This course builds upon the foundational concepts learned in Algebra I and introduces higher-level algebraic concepts such as exponential and logarithmic functions. Formulas from geometry are also used for modeling algebraic concepts in problem solving. Students will learn to transfer real life data to graphing calculators in order to visualize graphical representations and create function models that predict future trends as they relate to business and population growth. Graphing calculators will be used extensively throughout the course. For this reason, students should check out a calculator from the high school office at a cost of $30. Returned in proper working condition, they will be refunded 2/3 of the initial fee.($10 will be the rental cost for the year.)
At the start of the second semester, the student may choose to enroll in College Algebra as a dual credit course from Colby Community College. A student may earn 3 credit hours from CCC for College Algebra. The students will need to purchase the college text at the beginning of the school year if they plan on receiving dual credit.
Course Objectives:
- To review, practice, and become more familiar with basic concepts of algebra.
- To learn problem solving techniques using equations and inequalities.
- To study various types of functions: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
- To learn how these functions are used to solve modern, real-world problems.
- To learn how systems of equations and matrices are related, as well as to work with each to solve real-world problems.
- To learn about sequences, series, and probability, and how each has a broader use than just in gaming.
Method of Instruction:
This course will be taught using classroom lectures, chalkboard work, question and answer discussions, and some group work or projects.
Method of Evaluation:
The grading scale used in this class will be as follows:
A=98-100% B+=86-89% C+=77-79% D+=67-69% F=0-59%
A =94-97% B =83-85% C =73-76% D =63-66%
A- =90-93% B- =80-82% C- =70-72% D- =60-62%
A student’s grade is determined by the following:
50% of the grade is chapter tests, cumulative finals, and quarterly/semester projects.
40% of the grade is daily assignments.
10% of the grade is pop quizzes and/or chapter projects.
***Daily assignments not turned in on time will be worth ½ credit.
***Daily assignments turned in “incomplete” will be graded as if they were complete. (Additionally, students may be required to finish or “re-do” the assignment outside of class in the presence of the instructor.)