Discipline Policy
- Follow my directions.
- Be in your assigned seat or area ready to work when the tardy bell finishes its ring.
- Be respectful and courteous; use proper manners during class.
- Be responsible. (bring needed materials/equipment with you to class every day; turn in your homework on time; etc.)
- No pop or candy in class.
1. Warning (verbal or visual)
2. Detention time (length determined by teacher)/ parents called by teacher
-class work or room clean-up to be done during this time
3. Loss of privileges in class (if applicable)
4. Send to office
1st Offense = Conference with student
= 30 minute detention or In-School Suspension
*parents called by teacher/principle
= Work completed for full credit
2nd Offense = In-School Suspension
*parents called by principle
= Work completed for half credit
3rd Offense = Student will be removed from class with no credit
= If the 3rd offense involves more than one class, a meeting will be arranged for the student, teachers, parents and administration to discuss the terms and consequences for the student’s future. The student will not return to his/her classes but will remain in the office until this meeting occurs.